Friday, December 19, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

More Christmas Lights

If you want to pack the family in the car and check out all the Christmas decorations...add this one to your list of stops.

2510 E Massachusetts Ave
The home owners won the light contest in their subdivision!

Happy Holidays!
Mike and Kate

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

15 days to Christmas!!

Here are a few things that came in today for Listener E-mails. It should help put you in the holiday spirit!

If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank you's.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!

  • The DeBolt Family in Boise off State.... check out for directions and details.
  • The Miller Family in Nampa: Take Karcher Rd west about a quarter of a mile past Middleton Rd. First sub division on your right (Crestwood Estates), turn right. Follow the signs and curve to the left. At the end of the block, can't miss it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 5 Hour 107

49 minutes to go!! I can hardly wait to get down!!

We have raised $16,000 in cash this week and we are almost at 150,000 pounds for the Idaho Foodbank! Way to go!! You should be so proud of yourself! This has been an amazing week! Thank you for restoring hope and faith to all!

Stinky Kate

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 4 Hour 84

I am in BoDo, on top of my home away from home. It has been really cool to be in downtown Boise. It's busy and there is lots of people watching. I have seen tons of people I know. I really don't want to get close to them because I feel like I just radiate filth. I did get 4 hours of sleep and I got to use a real bathroom and wash my face. It was an amazing feeling!

Today in BoDo has been out biggest day and we are not even done yet! We ended last night at 81,000 pounds of food. Right now, at 4:08 we have 125,000 pounds of food for the Idaho Foodbank! That is 2 1/2 semis!
The Brad Duke Family Foundation dropped off a check for $2000! That is 14,000 pounds of food! One lady went door to door in Columbia Village and collected an SUV of food! Hawkins Companies employees gathered 520. The company then matched that for a total donation of $1,040!!

Thank you to everyone who has supported Mix 106 on this adventure! I prayed each night we would fill 1 semi and now we are close to filling 3!! Amazing!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 3 Hour 55

Sleeping is highly overrated! About 2 hour of sleep last night. If I never hear the sound of a generator again, I will be a happy girl. I took a poor man's shower in the New Balance parking lot this morning. Brushing your teeth with ice cold water is not fun! No matter how many times I wash my hands they still smell dirty. Gross.

Update: we raised 49,000 pounds of food by 10AM this morning. Alan challenged us to go for 106,000 pounds and I accepted the challenge so I am staying out for sure until Friday at 5PM!! 2 more cold nights to go :)

Signing off from Kamp Kate @ New Balance Boise
Kate McGwire

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 2 Hour 33

My face has been hurting all day. It feels dry and cracked so I figured it was the fog last night and then it just got dry this morning. I just went into the bathroom to wash my face (it felt sooo good) and looked into the mirror and realized I burned the left side of my house. How??? Because I sat with the Heat Dish on the left side of me ALL day yesterday. So apparently I burned the heck out of my face. No wonder why it hurt! So I just switched the heat dish to my right side to even out the burn :)

NOTE: The Fiberpipe/Gemstate Wireless Web Cam is down because of the wind out here. Should be back up soon! Thanks for your patience!


Day 2: Hour 31

Plugging along.....
I had to move into the semi because of the rain and the wind, but as soon as this storm passes, I will be back on top.
Rough night. I was so damp from sitting out in the fog that I just never warmed up so it was cold. And loud. Eagle Rd is loud.
But what a great morning! So far we have raised $1600 in cash donations and we have almost 30,000 pounds of food! "I'm coming home for Christmas!!
Keep in mind everything on the Bulls Head Station menu is $5 today!! Stop by for dinner and make a donation.

Thanks for all the support!
Signing off from Kamp Kate
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 1: Hour 16

Just so there is not any confusion....I am ready to get down. I want to sleep in my bed on Skid Row and I miss Gunner. Help out if you can. Check out the Stuff the Semi schedule at
Good Night. Sleep Warm :)

Thanks KTVB!

Edgar Luneras with Idaho's News Channel 7 stopped by Kamp Kate today.....

Day 1: Hour 13

It's foggy, it's getting colder, and the donations are pooring in!! I should be down by the end of the week at this rate. THANK YOU Nampa!! My body is all achy though and I am so tired! But it's not about me... suck it up Kate!

Day 1: Hour 8

I'm really sleepy. Is it bad if I take a quick nap??

Day 1: Hour 7

I didn't think it would be like this. Yesterday when we were setting up for Stuff the Semi, I realized that living on top of a semi truck was not going to be as easy as I thought. It's flat up here and it seems a lot highter than it is. Don't tell my boss, but it seems a lot easier to fall off too! The ladder they wanted me to use was awful! I cried when I had to come down it was so scary! So today Tate's Rents donated a cherry picker lift for me to ride in. That scares me even more. I have ridden it twice so far and lived both times so I should survive the week. I was so worried about being cold that I never thought about how scary it would be up here on top.
We need to stuff this semi first off for all the families that need food. That is why I am up here, but if you care for me at all, please stuff the semi so I can get down. I am not a happy camper at Kamp Kate!!