Friday, December 19, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

More Christmas Lights

If you want to pack the family in the car and check out all the Christmas decorations...add this one to your list of stops.

2510 E Massachusetts Ave
The home owners won the light contest in their subdivision!

Happy Holidays!
Mike and Kate

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

15 days to Christmas!!

Here are a few things that came in today for Listener E-mails. It should help put you in the holiday spirit!

If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank you's.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!

  • The DeBolt Family in Boise off State.... check out for directions and details.
  • The Miller Family in Nampa: Take Karcher Rd west about a quarter of a mile past Middleton Rd. First sub division on your right (Crestwood Estates), turn right. Follow the signs and curve to the left. At the end of the block, can't miss it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 5 Hour 107

49 minutes to go!! I can hardly wait to get down!!

We have raised $16,000 in cash this week and we are almost at 150,000 pounds for the Idaho Foodbank! Way to go!! You should be so proud of yourself! This has been an amazing week! Thank you for restoring hope and faith to all!

Stinky Kate

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 4 Hour 84

I am in BoDo, on top of my home away from home. It has been really cool to be in downtown Boise. It's busy and there is lots of people watching. I have seen tons of people I know. I really don't want to get close to them because I feel like I just radiate filth. I did get 4 hours of sleep and I got to use a real bathroom and wash my face. It was an amazing feeling!

Today in BoDo has been out biggest day and we are not even done yet! We ended last night at 81,000 pounds of food. Right now, at 4:08 we have 125,000 pounds of food for the Idaho Foodbank! That is 2 1/2 semis!
The Brad Duke Family Foundation dropped off a check for $2000! That is 14,000 pounds of food! One lady went door to door in Columbia Village and collected an SUV of food! Hawkins Companies employees gathered 520. The company then matched that for a total donation of $1,040!!

Thank you to everyone who has supported Mix 106 on this adventure! I prayed each night we would fill 1 semi and now we are close to filling 3!! Amazing!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 3 Hour 55

Sleeping is highly overrated! About 2 hour of sleep last night. If I never hear the sound of a generator again, I will be a happy girl. I took a poor man's shower in the New Balance parking lot this morning. Brushing your teeth with ice cold water is not fun! No matter how many times I wash my hands they still smell dirty. Gross.

Update: we raised 49,000 pounds of food by 10AM this morning. Alan challenged us to go for 106,000 pounds and I accepted the challenge so I am staying out for sure until Friday at 5PM!! 2 more cold nights to go :)

Signing off from Kamp Kate @ New Balance Boise
Kate McGwire

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 2 Hour 33

My face has been hurting all day. It feels dry and cracked so I figured it was the fog last night and then it just got dry this morning. I just went into the bathroom to wash my face (it felt sooo good) and looked into the mirror and realized I burned the left side of my house. How??? Because I sat with the Heat Dish on the left side of me ALL day yesterday. So apparently I burned the heck out of my face. No wonder why it hurt! So I just switched the heat dish to my right side to even out the burn :)

NOTE: The Fiberpipe/Gemstate Wireless Web Cam is down because of the wind out here. Should be back up soon! Thanks for your patience!


Day 2: Hour 31

Plugging along.....
I had to move into the semi because of the rain and the wind, but as soon as this storm passes, I will be back on top.
Rough night. I was so damp from sitting out in the fog that I just never warmed up so it was cold. And loud. Eagle Rd is loud.
But what a great morning! So far we have raised $1600 in cash donations and we have almost 30,000 pounds of food! "I'm coming home for Christmas!!
Keep in mind everything on the Bulls Head Station menu is $5 today!! Stop by for dinner and make a donation.

Thanks for all the support!
Signing off from Kamp Kate
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 1: Hour 16

Just so there is not any confusion....I am ready to get down. I want to sleep in my bed on Skid Row and I miss Gunner. Help out if you can. Check out the Stuff the Semi schedule at
Good Night. Sleep Warm :)

Thanks KTVB!

Edgar Luneras with Idaho's News Channel 7 stopped by Kamp Kate today.....

Day 1: Hour 13

It's foggy, it's getting colder, and the donations are pooring in!! I should be down by the end of the week at this rate. THANK YOU Nampa!! My body is all achy though and I am so tired! But it's not about me... suck it up Kate!

Day 1: Hour 8

I'm really sleepy. Is it bad if I take a quick nap??

Day 1: Hour 7

I didn't think it would be like this. Yesterday when we were setting up for Stuff the Semi, I realized that living on top of a semi truck was not going to be as easy as I thought. It's flat up here and it seems a lot highter than it is. Don't tell my boss, but it seems a lot easier to fall off too! The ladder they wanted me to use was awful! I cried when I had to come down it was so scary! So today Tate's Rents donated a cherry picker lift for me to ride in. That scares me even more. I have ridden it twice so far and lived both times so I should survive the week. I was so worried about being cold that I never thought about how scary it would be up here on top.
We need to stuff this semi first off for all the families that need food. That is why I am up here, but if you care for me at all, please stuff the semi so I can get down. I am not a happy camper at Kamp Kate!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mix 106 Stuff the Semi

I am only moving out of Skid Row for a week. But it is going to be a long week!
I will be living on top of a semi that we are hoping to stuff with food for the Idaho Foodbank.
I cannot come down from the top of the semi until it is stuffed with food! I am hoping that is Friday night.
I will have a tent to sleep in, a few space heaters to keep warm, a grill to cook on and web cams from Fiber Pipe so you can watch the whole thing at!
The semi will be moved to a different location each night. Hopefully one of those days it will be near your home or office so you can bring out some food to donate to the Idaho Foodbank.
The foodbank has never been this low on food. And there are lots of Treasure Valley Families in need.
Mike is hoping I never come down from the top of the semi, but I really don't want to spend Christmas up there so please donate. It doesn't have to be a lot, a can of food or $5. It all adds up.

  • MON 12/1--Sam's Club in Nampa (across from the Idaho Center)
  • Tue 12/2--Bulls Head Pub at Eagle and Fairview
  • Wed 12/3--New Balance Shoe Store at Eagle and McMillan
  • Thurs 12/4--BoDo (across from PF Changs)
  • Fri 12/5--Arctic Circle in Kuna

Friday, November 21, 2008


Find out where Monday morning........

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We got this e-mail from a listener in Mountain Home. If you can, please help. Our men and women in the service do so much for us and this is just a tiny token of appreciation.

Dear Mike and Kate,
I am a military spouse and a mother of two. We are stationed here in Mountain Home Airforce Base for the time being. Whenever I get the chance I like to volunteer to help anyone that I can just to give back a little.

It is the time of the year when military spouses along with anyone esle that volunteers get togehter to send a little piece of home to our men and women from Mountain Home AFB that are away from their families and fighting for our freedom!

We are doing the 366th Annual Airman's Holiday Cookie Drive. We need to collect 1,600 dozen cookies to provide a "taste of home" for our Airmen in the dorms and those deployed. It will cost us over $800 to send them all out.

The favor I ask is if you could tell fellow listeners that this year we could use all the help that we can get. The economy is down and showing in a very big way this year! Just the littlest help from anyone will help us on our way to do such a special thing for our people (our heros).

Please bake a variety of colorful, durable cookies so they will survive transport.

Early deliveries can be made: Dec 1-6
In Town: Paul's Market and Albertsons
On Base: Base Exchange or The Gunfighter club

Curbside drop off: Dec. 8th 7:30-9:30am

Volunteers will be needed to package the cookies. For more information you can send an e-mail to:

Thank you so much for your time and ear!
Your faithful listener and proud American,
Sarah Lynn Kephart

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Monday!

Yea, another full work week a head of us!! Bring it on!

Mike and Kate were talking this morning about the new 1st dog that Barack Obama will be buying for his daughters. One of his daughters is allergic to dogs so the Peruvian Hairless Dog was suggested...
Mike says this dog looks like a cross between a bat and reptile.

Other presidents has some strange pets that lived at the white house...
  • Benjamin Harrison-two pet opossums named Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection
  • William Taft-milk cow named Pauline
  • Woodrow Wilson- flock of sheep, a ram named Old Ike to mow the White House lawn.
  • John Quincy Adams-alligator
  • Calvin Coolidge- 6 dogs, a cat, a goose, a donkey, a bobcat, two lion cubs, an antelope, a wallaby and a 600 pound pygmy hippopatamus named Billy
This little guy only weighs about 50 pounds right now....

Tomorrow-More chances to get qualified to win a Nintendo Wii!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mike and Kate got the most scathing e-mail on Monday. They were talking about crayons and how Crayola changed the names of Indian Red to Burnt Siena because it was not politically correct to describe something as Indian Red. Then they received this e-mail... apparently the person completely misunderstood the conversation.

Even if Kate seem to one of those ditzi American girls, you still take the lead of
being a moron. First you are an Idahoan, that says it all when listening to your
gobble. Idahoans are the worst drivers around, hitting red lights all the time, or
can't stay in their own lanes, or don't do the speed limit, that would say, if you
have been out of state you may have noticed that.
Talk about you don't know a damn thing about ocean's. Indian Ocean
is not to bee seen as a racial term, it is actually an ocean. Then you want to compare that to
African American Black, as in "duh, we don't have African American black in our
crayon box". Frankly who gives what the name of the colors are, and I don't think
that a kid would give what the name of the colors were if he opened the box of
Maybe you have racial issues that is why you would bring it up.
7 kids is what you have, you can't be anything but a Mormon obviously, or you are
trying to save energy by jumping in the sack with you significant other to create
heat and other things at the same time. You know there is something that is called
contraceptive. Maybe you tend to look at everything with a set of racial eyes.

No I don't think you are a fun character on the radio, and I don't think you have a radio personality
that fits radio, take a page out of the LA radio's climate and learn something about entertainment.
However, your executive producers may have a sandbox mentality so that is
why they think you two are the best thing since sliced bread.

Yes Kate, you are also not in the league of a good radio character, instead talking about how old you are
and that you have no relationship, or kids, and you are getting pretty old when it comes to your fertility
abilities, your eggs are getting old, you are most likely to get something scrambled because you are
getting older, that is not mean stricken it is actually the fact. Why don't you ask your friend who just got
a kid. You are going to have a lot more testing to be done because you are older whenever if ever you are going to get kids.

Hear about all the stupid stuff that you do, no it is not just bad luck, it is for a reason.

You both sound like a bunch of immature school kids on the radio.

This was Mike's response to Skit......
"Dear Skit;

Thanks for your e-mail, I think for you to write a scathing e-mail like this, you must be having a very bad morning or something. Obviously you didn't hear our conversation this morning because you have taken it completely out of context.....We never said anything about what great drivers we have in Idaho, so I don't even know what you are talking about there. As for the discussions about colors, we never said the Indian Ocean was racist, and yes Kate and I both know the Indian Ocean is a real ocean, we are after all both college graduates. Our discussion had you actually heard it, was about the names of crayons and how they had changed them because they could be deemed "Indian Red", "Flesh" and "Black" just to name a few.....and just in case you didn't know, these were all actual Crayola Crayon colors at one time, that have all been changed to different names now as to not seem racist. I made the comment about African American black, because it made as much sense as a color name as "Indian Red"....And people do notice the names of colors in a box of crayons, I for one grew up with those colors, so I noticed when my kids started coloring and the names had all changed even though the colors stayed the same. From the tone of your e-mail, it sounds like you didn't even know that the names of the colors had changed over the years. So the comment was made for our listeners sake, to not name Indian as one of the colors, because it would be wrong, even though, according to Crayola, it was once considered a color.

As for stereotyping me as Mormon because I have 7 children......wrong again. I have 3 children from a previous marriage and my wife has 4 from her previous marriage. Religion had nothing to do with it....we just happen to like kids. Don't know if you know much about this area, but not everybody who lives here is Mormon, and not all Mormons have a bunch of kids. And yes, I do sleep with my wife, not because, as you said for the "heat or other things", but because I actually enjoy sleeping with her.....and yes Kate and I know what contraceptives are, it might even surprise you to learn that we have even used them on occasion......without permission from the Mormon church.

As for the show, sorry you don't like what you hear, and that's ok.......we already know that we can't please everybody, so we don't even try. And yes we know our show would not sound good in LA..... we don't do a show for LA....... people who live here, don't like LA radio. It's been tried numerous times before.....Rick Dees, Kevin and Bean, Mark and Bryan......they all failed miserably.......We do our show for our 13 listeners and family members that live here in the Treasure far it seems to work, we have the 2nd longest running morning show in the state. We like it here.....we love living and working in Boise......We've both lived in various areas of the country.....LA, Denver, Sacramento, Spokane, Yakima, etc, and both of us agree, this is by far the best place we've ever lived and worked.

Any way, we're sorry about the way people drive here in Boise (?) Sorry that you think that I'm Mormon and have too many kids and don't know what contraceptives are for. We're sorry that you think that Kate is too old to have kids and that our conversation about crayons and the Indian ocean was racist.......but most importantly, we're sorry that you think our show sucks.

Thanks for listening
Mike and Kate
Mix 106 "

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Mike and Kate talked this morning about what a historic moment this is for the country.

They also talked about what an amazing concession speech John McCain gave. If he had given speeches with that much grace on the campaign trail then maybe things would have turned out different for him???

Did you vote early? If you voted yesterday how were the lines? Are you excited for the new direction the country is going in? If not, why? We want to hear from you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 days until Halloween!

Our 12 listeners called in today and shared stories of the haunted houses they live in and just plain scary things that have happened to them! Here are a few.....

Two days after my mother-in-law passed away in 2005. To set the scene for you, my father-in-law was asleep in his bedroom, my spouse and I were occupying the hide-a-bed and my brother and sister-in-law were on an airbed on the floor nearby. At around 1:15 in the morning, I awakened, and when I opened my eyes was facing the television (which was turned off). In the reflection of the TV, I could see the small hallway leading to the bedroom my in-laws had shared - which was lit by a dimmable overhead light (this was normal) and my late mother-in-law standing there with her hand against the wall. Startled, I sat up and looked into the hallway where I had just seen her, but there was no one there. About ten minutes later, as I lay attempting to go back to sleep, I heard footsteps and the creak then of an area of the floor that indicated weight had been put on it. Again, I sat up and peered towards the area of the creak and found that my sister-in-law was doing the same. She had awakened earlier to the feeling of someone brushing the hair out of her face only to discover that her husband was still asleep and was (obviously) awake to hear the footfalls and the creak of the floor. The two of us spent the remainder of the evening drinking coffee and talking in the garage.

After my father died in my house in 1996, every night at approximately 11 pm, the wind chimes in my living room would ring, and there was no open window, fan or furnace vent near them. Then in 2000, my 24 year old nephew died in an auto accident and my lamp in the living room started turning on and off at random times. It still does this nearly every day and sometimes in the middle of the night, I'll wake up and see the light on. He has also turned the stereo and TV on at his parents house many times. This never happened before he passed away.
I went to see a psychic after they died and he said I have a lot of dead people around me......

One evening after work (around 6:00ish), I was lying on my bed reading the paper, the lights and the t.v. were on. All of a sudden the room got a little chilly and I with my sober eyes, saw the end of the bed sink in as if someone sat on it?? My ego took over as opposed to fear and I simply said "get the f%^ out of here" out of amazement more than anything. The end of the bed rose (as if whatever it was got up and left) and the room returned to its normal temperature?????

I had a boyfriend commit suicide on April 10 and there for a while every time I started my car the clock would say 4:10. I would also wake up every morning at 4:10 for a year after he died. Also, there was one time I came into work (our clinic was closed so I was the only one there) to do some work and it happened to be my dead boyfriend's birthday. I heard the door that I had propped open close and then the alarm started going off. There are only certain doors that trigger the alarm and the one I had open isn't one of them. The only way the alarm is tripped is if a door leading to the outside is actually all the way opened....and of course they were all locked! I grabbed my pepperspray and went to investigate and found I was still the only one in the building! Have fun at the haunted house on Friday....happy Halloween!!!!

So I had just moved into this rental with my boyfriend who was working out of town. It was a large 2 story home, very nice. There was nobody in the house, just me and my cat. I was almost asleep when I heard the sound of someone running up the stairs and then my cat sunk her claws in to me, hair up, eyes dilated staring at the bedroom door (which was at the top of the stairs). I got up thinking maybe my boyfriend was there. NOPE! The house was empty. So I tried going back to sleep when my shower turned on and off 2 times. It was an awesome night.Over the next few months living there my radio downstairs would come on blasting at 2 or 3 in the morning. Our fire alarms ALWAYS went off and I don't know how many times I replaced the batteries in those things just to make sure that wasn't why. That house was horrid!

Happy Halloween

Monday, October 27, 2008

PhotobucketI ran the Prison Break 10k race on Saturday! And I set a new Kate McGwire world record of 6.2 miles in 56 minutes!! I was so excited! I have run in quite a few races and this was by the far the neatest start to a race. Obviously the race was at the Idaho State Penitentiary. As we were all lined up at the start line, the prison riot squad came marching through the crowd in full gear. It was kind of scary. Then there was a patriotic fly over. The riot squad lit off flares and off we go as the prison escape siren sounded. The first part of the race was through the prison grounds. We ran by a bunch of prisoners out in the yard. That was kind of creepy especially since one of them yelled my name! I was all decked out in Mix 106 gear so I wasn't hard to miss. Then out in the Kunaridean desert we go and 56 minutes later I crossed the finish line!

My day was anything but over after the race. After a quick stop at Zoo Boise for Boo at the Zoo, I was off to one of my favorite events of the Dive Bar Tour! Me and 29 of my closest friends rent a Boise Shuttle Bus and we pick a street and hit all the dive bars on it. This time we picked the dive bars of Nampa/Caldwell. We hit the Airport Lounge, Barbs(loved it), Rockin Rooster(they have karaoke and great jell-O shots), The Monkey Bar (no live monkeys anymore), and Victors Hogs and Horns in Caldwell. We had so much fun! We made some new friends along the way, as you can tell from the pictures and caused as much trouble as we could in one night. Check out the pictures on our myspace page

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Faith Hill gave herself a 41st birthday present by posing for Shape Magazine! You go girl! She looks amazing! It was tough keeping Mike and Tommy focused today. Kate may need to put a picture of Faith on the wall behind her. That is the only way she can get Mike's attention. Already on the wall....Jessica Simpson and Pam Anderson.

Congratulations to Sandi Stevenson of Meridian! Photobucket
She guessed 5:02AM Wednesday morning for the time Mickey Mouse would be completely melted. She won a VIP Party for 10 to see Disney on Ice at Taco Bell Arena!! Check out the melt HERE

Thursday, October 16, 2008

1 day to go!! Friday here we come!

Mike and Kate could not believe the story they found this morning on We want to know what you think.
BOISE - Congressman Bill Sali and his campaign staff disrupted a NewsChannel 7 reporter and a representative for his opponent during an interview Tuesday in Downtown Boise. KTVB reporter Ysabel Bilbao was interviewing Walt Minnick's campaign director John Foster Wednesday afternoon. During the interview, someone loudly yelled and was laughing during the interview at the Grove plaza. Bilbao and Foster initially ignored the intrusion, but quickly noticed the source of the heckling -- Sali and members of his staff. Foster stopped the interview and noted the commotion. “I am sorry I was a little bit distracted,” Foster said. “I think at some point you even have to question his maturity.” Foster said he saw Sali making faces at him and holding up “bunny ears.” Later, Bilbao interviewed Sali about his actions. “Look, I think that the Minnick campaign needs to take an approach like we have,” he said. “I wish they would be a little more light hearted instead of so mean spirited.” Foster said his candidate thinks the race should be about serious issues in serious times. After this story first appeared, a representative for Sali's campaign challenged the characterization of the incident as heckling. “I sincerely apologize if you took it as heckling. That’s absurd," spokesperson Wayne Hoffman said via e-mail. “If we can’t laugh at ourselves, then what have we become?”

What do you think?? Is this no big deal? Should the Minnick camp be more light hearted? Or should Sali be more professional at these events?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Day

Tonight is the final Presidential Debate before the big election. This morning Mike and Kate shared 26 things you might not know about Barack Obama and John McCain....

Photobucket Barack Obama
1. His high school basketball team nicknamed him "O'Bomber" and he was favored a left-hand, double pump shot.
2. While living in Indonesia, his mother would wake him up at 4Am for three hours of English lessons before he went to school
3. While as a student at Harvard Law, he applied to be in the black pride pinup calendar. He was rejected by an all female committe .
4. On his first date with his wife, they had ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Chicago.
5. His favorite movies: Casablanca, The Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
6.He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Havard Law, but got a D in eighth grade French.
7. He is a good but cautious poker player who played with a group called The Committee.
8. His favorite music: Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, Bruce Bringsteen, Jay-Z, Miles Davis and Charlie Parker.
9. His good luck charms: gamblers lucky chit, a tiny Madonna and child and a bracelet belonging to a soldier in Iraq.
10. He has a framed original program from 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr delivered his I have a Dream Speach.
11. He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali.
12. He has promised his daughters a dog win or lose the White House.
13. He was born in Hawaii.
PhotobucketJohn McCain
1. He has a stuffed hamster on display in his Senate Office.
2. His favorite book is For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Earnest Hemingway
3. He was addicted to the TV Show "24"
4. He carries a lucky penny in his pocket
5. Favorite Movies: Casablanca, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World and Mamma Mia.
6. His parents eloped to Tijuana, Mexico
7. At Christmas Time he supervises the lighting of 1000 luminaria candles on his property in Sedona, AZ.
8. His kids call a vacation with him, Camp McCain.
9. He is an early bird.
10. He is into fruit trees and bird watching. He keeps binoculars and bird books at the ready at his home.
11. His pet collection: two dogs, two turtles, a cat, a ferret, three parakeets and 13 saltwater fish.
12. His wife is super rich. They have a prenuptial agreement.
13. He was born in Panama.

See you tonight at Working Women's Wednesday at the Bulls Head Pub in Meridian on Eagle Road. Party starts at 6PM.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day!

Happy Columbus Day! The Post Office and the banks are closed today. Lucky you if you get the day off! We are jealous :)

Kate had a weekend full of baby showers. She survived though. One was a the Cheesecake Factory and the other was at a bar! Food and beer, of course Kate survived. She learned a lot this weekend. The hot item for new moms is a hooter hider! It hides the hooters while mom is breast feeding, yet it wont fall off like a normal blanket and it allows mom to see the baby. Someone is making millions of an item called the Hotter Hider! You have to love that!

Looking for a new club to join? Mike and Kate found one, but this club sounds like it might suck the life out of you!Photobucket

You can vote early in Ada County at the Public Safety Building on Barrister.
In Canyon County you can vote at the Elections Office on Chicago Street
If you still need to register to vote you can do so by bringing a photo ID and a utlity bill.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Don't forget to stop by the Mix 106 booth at Taco Bell Arena tonight at the Reba/Kelly show! Sign up to get upgraded to the front row!

What is the average woman spending on her big day? Are you average? Above Average or below average? We found out this morning that Kate's sister who is getting married next March is below far.


According to Women's Health Magazine this is the average wedding:
27 is the average age the average bride says "I Do."
29 is the average age for the average groom
250 hours spent organizing the wedding
15 percent of weddings get called off.
The average woman's top 3 wedding day worries are zits, rain and embarrassing relatives.
10-20 pounds is the amount of weight the average bride wants to lose.
The average wedding dress costs $1505
The average cost to be a bridesmaid $1400
The average cost to attend to a wedding is $500
The average bill for the big day is $27, 852
30% of the weddings are paid for by the bride's parents
32% of the weddings paid for by the couple
The top gift on the average bride's wish list is money
The average value of all the gifts received by the couple is $14,000

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hump Day!

Welcome to the middle of the week!

How bad is your job? Photobucket
You have to watch this video to believe what this man has been hired to do! He was hired by a train station in India to scare away the monkeys.

See you tonight at Working Women's Wednesdays at the Bulls Head Pub! We have tickets to Reba and Kelly for you to win!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3 days to Go!

Gas Prices are dropping and AAA expects them to continue to drop! Here is what our 12 listeners found around the valley:

$3.46 @ Flying J in Caldwell
$3.51 @ Albertsons on Federal Way. Also the Maverick on Federal Way
$3.46 @ Costco in Nampa
$3.47 @ Sams Club in Nampa
$3.51@ Maverick on Victory and Cole
The lowest we heard this morning......$3.04 in Lewiston!

Our own little Kate McGwire is extremely passionate about getting people to vote. She doesn't care who you vote for, put she believes that ever person 18 and older in this country should be a registered voter and exercise that right. In case you are curious about how to get registered to vote here are the details:
  • Last Day to register to vote is Friday October 10th. Get a voter registration form at
  • You can register to vote on Election Day (Tuesday Nov. 4th) but they are expecting very long lines so why wait.
  • You can request an absentee ballott at The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 29th.
  • You can vote early in Idaho. Find out where to vote in your county at
Forget something?? Photobucket
According to Kevin Trudeau's Mega Memory Book, here is how you remember something:
  • Lie Down on a Flat Surface
  • Close your eyes
  • With eyes closed look straight up, moving your eyes as far back as they can go toward your forehead
  • Picture yourself going down an escalator
  • Count out loud backward 50-1
  • Picture Yourself stepping off the escalator into the most beautiful perfect place you can.
  • By speaking out loud, command your mind to remember whatever info you are trying to recall.

Seriously, who can remember all those steps??

TOMORROW: The Countdown to Reba and Kelly continues!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Smells Like.....PIG

Kate broke the Mix 106 World record today in the annual Maize Pig Chase! She caught David Letterham in 1 minute 21 seconds!
Keep checking our photopage for this morning pictures of Kate's Greased Pig Chase at the Maze

Really? You get arrested for chasing kids around in a cow costume and for urinating on your neighbor's porch! Your crime is bad enough, but the mug shot is the icing on the cake!

Tomorrow: We have LOTS of Gavin DeGraw concert tickets to giveaway!
Listen in for your chance to win!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Poor Idaho Vandals! They just can't catch a break! First the football team looks ridiculous with the V on their butt and now people are complaining that the Cheerleaders outfits are showing a lot more than school spirit!
What do you think? As Mike said, obviously fans can't go to the Kibbie Dome to see a football gaem, they should at least get to see something.

One our 12 listeners wrote in today for Listener E-mails and wanted to know who the guy was in the Maverick Commercial. And if you can figure out what the message in the commercial is, let us know. What do deep sea divers, Ford Trucks and energy drinks have to do with each other?
Check it out for yourself

This is a new site where you can upload a current picture of yourself and then pick a year between 1950-1990 and it will transform you to look like a yearbook picture from that year.

BIGGEST Little MIX 106 FAN! We now have 13 1/2 listeners
Aleysa Garcia of Caldwell, we love you for listening to Mix 106!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma De La Rosa for sending us these pictures!

What will $700 Billion get you???
According to the NY Times....
All 305 million of us in the USA would get $2,295.00
You could by 31, 818,181 Toyota Priuses
Buy 350 Million cans of Red Bull
Buy 2.3 million Nintendo Wiis
Buy 3.5 million iphones
Buy 2.8 trillion packs of gum
and Educate 4 million doctors.
But instead lets all pay for a government bailout and hike out taxes! YEA!!!
Tomorrow Financial Guru Dave Petso will be on the show at 7:10. You can ask him how this is going to affect you and get some advice.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Could be Worse

For a Monday today isn't half bad! At least it's not pouring rain! Even though I am a huge Colordao State Fan (Go Ramies!) I have to admit that the BSU/Oregon game was a great game!

Thanks to all the women and supporters who braved the torrential down pour on Saturday morning and came out for the St. Luke's Women's Fitness Celebration!
Check out all the pictures HERE

Kate's Kritters
As you may have heard, I love animals. If I could adopt them all, I would! We are talking serious hording tendencies!! And with the economy the way it is, a lot of people are turning their pets over the animal shelters because they can't afford to feed them. So I am trying to get the word out about all the adorable kritters up for adoption at the Canyon County Animal Shelter. Each week we will feature a dog and a cat that you can adopt. Check out the page each week. Tell your friends and family about it! And even if you can't adopt, The Canyon County Animal Shelter needs lots of volunteers. Welcome to Kate's Kritters

Talk to you tomorrow!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You are so generous!

Thanks to everyone who donated money today! Mike and I were given 4 tickets to auction off this morning. A 13 year old boy here in the Treasure Valley was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma which is a very aggressive form of cancer. His only wish was to see the the BSU/Oregon Game this weekend. Unfortunately he is too sick to go to the game. So he asked us to auction off the tickets with 100% of the proceeds going to St. Lukes Children's Hospital School. So far this morning we have raised $1,810!! Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You! Chris' bid of $500 got him the tickets to the game, but our other 11 listeners all stepped up and donated $.

If you would still like to donate $$$:
Make your check out to St. Luke's Children's Hospital
Send it to:
Mix 106
827 E. Park Blvd Ste 201
Boise, Idaho 83712

The Women in Business and Leadership event at the Boise Center on the Grove was amazing! I had so much fun! Kathy Kustra gave me so great pointers before we went on stage to calm my nerves. I do think I talked a bit too much. I was mic hog! I just kept rambling and rambling. I was so moved and inspired by all the other women on the panel! Stephanie Worrell has a fabulous blog call . Check it out! Barbara Morgan was so great! She was so nice to explain to everyone how you go to the bathroom in space (diapers on the way up, then a bathroom in the shuttle that you have to strapped into to use). Kathy Kustra is so fun! She is the incoming president of the Idaho Humane Society. And I adore Carolyn Holly! Her parents came all the way from Portland to see her and I found out if she was not a news anchor she would be a dancer. Fabulous women!! Thank you to everyone who came out to the event.
Next up for the Women's Fitness Celebration is the Women's Show on Thursday and Friday at the Boise Center on the Grove.

Have a great day!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



I am so nervous for tonight! It's the kick off to the St. Luke's Women's Fitness Celebration! Tonight at the Boise Center on the Grove at 6PM is the Women in Business and Leadership Event! Idaho's News Channel 7's Carolyn Holly, Kathy Kustra, Stephanie Worrell, Teacher in Space Barbara Morgan and myself are all on the panel. It should be great night! Please come and support me. I am so nervous! How many times can I say that??? Tickets are still available at 381-2243.

Hopefully I will see you tonight!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hello! Hope you are having a great day! Don't you just love the weather right now? Beautiful blue skies and 75! Perfect night to hang out with us at Working Women's Wednesdays and sit on the patio! See you at the Bulls Head Pub at Eagle and Fairview in Meridian.

When Kate was on her vacation in California she was reading the newspaper and found the worst obituary ever! It was very mean and basically the daughter had nothing nice to say about her dececed mother. We found a link to it on Check it out for yourself

Mike and Kate talked about the story out of Lexington, KY today of a woman who left her baby in a hot car while she went into shop. People saw the baby and went into the store to call 911. The employees inside told the people that they were not responsible for what happens in the parking lot. It was not their problem. NICE! Obviously these employees are not Mike and Kate Everyday Heros! Eventually 911 was called and the police got the baby out and arressted the mother. Get the full story here

If you want to see Kate's pictures from her California vacation check out our myspace page at

Photobucket Image Hosting
We are going to announce the next Kate University! Listen in at 7:20 for all the details.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Corbin Blue Thursday!

We aren't sure if the fair is ready for the chaos tonight! Corbin Blue of Disney's High School Musical performs tonight at the Western Idaho Fair. Wear your Mix 106 t-shirts!

Today was the day Kate McGwire has been dreaming about!
Rick Springfield was on the show! Mike thought she was going to have a heart attack. And she scared him half to death. He was probably thinking, "Creepy Stalker Chick." She held it together though and didn't scare him off. His new CD is Venus In Overdrive with the new single "What's Victoria's Secret." Kate swears the song sounds like Jessie's Girl. She will make up anything just to talk about Jessie's Girl. We did find out that Rick Springfield was a big fan of the boy bands, especially N'Sync. Who knew??

Find out tomorrow if The Bunny House is worth seeing. Mike thinks it looks stupid. Willie Waffle will be giving his Mix 106 Movie Review.

Have a great day and don't eat too much at the fair!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Friday, August 15, 2008


The Western Idaho Fair starts today! Get ready for 10 days of bitter lemonade, greasy food, smelly animals and live music! We wouldn't want it any other way!

It's also the final two night of the Caldwell Night Rodeo. Don't forget that Saturday night is the unofficial Mix 106 night at the CNR. See you there!

Mike and Kate asked today what is the best all-time road trip song. Here is what you came up with.....
Sammy Hagar, I can't drive 55
Cheeseburger in Paradise-Jimmy Buffett
B52's-Love Shack
Paradise City-Guns N Roses
John Denver-Thank God I'm a Country Boy (Kate's Pick)
Rhianna-Shut and Drive
Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody
Anything by Sublime
Come On Eileen-Dexi's Midnight Runners
Anything off the Top Gun CD
I love A Rainy Night-Eddie Rabbit
Fleetwood Mac-Little Lies
Walking on Sunshine
Radar Love-Golden Earing
Shout it Out-Republica
Take On Me
Led Zepplin-Ramble On
Huey Lewis and the News-Do You Believe in Love?
AC/DC Highway Hell
Paradise by the Dashboard Lights- Meatloaf (Mike's Pick)
Joel Walsh Rocky Mountain Way (Tommy's Pick)

Have a great weekend! Wish Kate well at Kate University Riverboarding tomorrow. She is freaking out!

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympic Fever!


Do you have it yet? Mike and Kate definitely have it. Unfortunately Mike can only remember one name, Michael Phelps. There are other competitors Mike!

OUCH! Did you see the weight lifter who dislocated his elbow yesterday. That's gotta hurt! Check out the pictures HERE.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Finally Friday!

The weekend couldn't come any sooner! After our big 7 Year Itch Celebration this week, we are ready for some relaxation.

The Opening Ceremonies for the 2008 Summer Olympics have begun in China! Kate has the Olympic Fever, Mike is not interested at all.

Today is 08-08-08! Over 9,000 people are getting married today in China. In the Chinese Culture the #8 is considered lucky.

Congratulations to Becky and Dwyane Spoooner! They are the Mike and Kate Everyday Hero of the week. Deanna Smith nominated them. Apparently Dwayne's coworker had a stroke at 31 years old and was unable to renovate the "fixer upper" house he just bought. The man is now in a wheelchair. So Dwayne and Becky stepped up the help. They have been working on the man's house night and day and they also held a benefit yard sale to raise money for the family. The Spooner family definitely makes the Treasure Valley a better place to live. Thank You! For being the Mike and Kate Everyday Hero they get a $75 Applebees Gift Certificate.

Apparently Oregon State Police say people are filling up plastic bottles with urine and chucking them out on I-84 between Ontario and Huntington. Around 300 bottles have dumped! YUCK! They think it could be long haul truck drivers because of the high fuel costs and how much gas is used to stop and start again. Careful if you are headed west this weekend.

See you tonight at Wine After Work at Tannins Wine Bar in the Sandstone Plaza next to Cowgirls! The party gets started at 6PM.

Have a great weekend!
Mike and Kate

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today is our 7th Year Anniversary! On August 6, 2001 we did our very first show together!

What a fun show this morning! We had fun taking a trip down memory lane! Remember when Kate got Dan Kouba fired? Mike's kids singing on the air? Kate's mom was hysterical! And all the guests that Tommy had stop by were so fun! Thanks to Ysabel Bilbao and Maggie O'Mara from Channel 7, Governor Otter, Adam Sandler, Christopher Walken, Tom Arnold and Al Pachino!

And a huge thanks to Phoenix Catering, exclusive caterers to Bogus Creek Ranch! They served up breakfast to our listeners this morning and it was delicious!

The celebration continues tonight at the Bulls Head Pub in Meridian! The party starts at 6. We have a slideshow of all the adventures we have had over the last 7 years. We have a giant cake from Pastry Perfection, and tons of prizes from Essence of Romance, Roaring Springs, Boondocks, Boise Hawks Tx, Panache Spa and so much more!
See you tonight!

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Monday to you! We hope you had a great weekend!

Kate and the girls went to Donnelly for Girls Weekend 2008!
Apparently they had craft hour! This is not what we were hoping to have happened at Girls Weekend. But she said they took time about from the pillow fights and naked massages to make belts. They are actually really cool! Kate is not into crafts, but she had so much fun, this might actually be a Kate University class in the future. And then of course as you can see from the rest of the pictures, they just got wild and crazy! Check them out on our myspace page.

Mike and Kate had a great time on Friday in Kuna! It started at Wine After Work at Tannins and then they moved to Cowgirls next door. Mike was playing in a poker tournament there and Kate and Tracy just danced the night away. And Kuna Fun Days was going on. What an amazing firework show! And no night in Kuna is complete without hitting the taco Wagon! Kate made fun of Mike all morning long for the shirt he wore. Pop-eye playing poker with bling all over the shirt. Mike loved it, Kate said it was ridiculous! Check out the pictures on our photopage. You make the call,

What is worse? Getting caught parking with your girlfriend on some back road by your aunt or having your aunt tell your dad who is a DJ? Mike's son was caught with his girlfriend last weekend. The two say they were just looking at the stars, too bad it was 6 at night!

Kate University Riverboarding is August 16th! Learn to ride a skimboard with Banshee Riverboards! Sign ups are this Friday at 9AM at

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hello! Hope you are having a fabulous day!

Check out our new logo!
Thanks Ned! We love it!

Check this video out! It's of a New York City Cop who (in our opinion) takes out a bicyclist at a demonstation. The biker was arrested for demonstrating and resisting arrest. You make the decsion? Was the cop wrong?

Kate auditioned today to be a carnival worker! Hilarious! She is definitely not going to be the person that guesses someone weight. She sucked at that!
When the fair roles into town she is actually going to apply for a job and see what it takes to work for the carnival.

See you tonight at Working Women's Wednesday! The Bulls Head Pub in Meridian is the place to be!

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Hump Day! We are halfway through the week! Yippie!

Mike and Kate found a list on It listed the worst movie villains of all time. Worst as in scariest, meanest, and cruelest. What do you think??

10. The Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
9. Max Cady: Cape Fear (De Niro)
8. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
7. Chigurgh (Javier Bardiim: No Country for Old Men)
6. Goldfinger: Goldfinger (James Bond)
5. Joker: The Dark Night ( Heath Ledger)
4. Hannibel Lechter: Silence of the Lambs
3. Wicked Witch of the West: Wizard of Oz
2. Darth Vadar: Star Wars
1. Lord Valdermort: Harry Potter

Kate was complaining how she has to use one of her vacation weeks to go dress shopping for her sister's wedding. She was saying how she would much rather go cake tasting and pick the music for the wedding. That got Mike to thinking about songs Ned and Kellee should use for their wedding...
Another One Bites the Dust
Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry
Devil Went Down to Georgia
One of our 12 listeners sent in a link to the worst wedding songs ever...

See you tonight at Working Women's Wednesday at Bulls Head Pub in Meridian! (Eagle and Fairview)

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Together Again!

Yea! Everyone is back together again!

Mike had fun in Pendleton at the Wildhorse Poker Tournament. He didn't win any money, but had fun. He actually enjoys sitting in the same chair, doing the same thing for 13 hours. He isn't any closer though to being a professional poker player so we are stuck with him for now :)

Kate had a blast at Kate University Skydiving on Sunday! Thank you Skydive Idaho (1-800-SKYDIVE). She gave up her jump to a listener that was dying to go. And he loved every minute of it! All 30 of the Mix 106 Listeners who attended Kate University Skydiving had a great time! Everyone said the same thing. "it's unreal to be in a plane and have the door open! " Pictures should be up later today at

Thursday is the deadline for the Mix 106 Hot Legs Contest! Get your full body shots in by 5PM on Thursday. Send them to The ten best pair of legs will be posted on our website Monday morning. You get to vote for the hottest legs in the Treasure Valley! The legs with the most votes win a 4 pack of tickets to ZZ TOP at the Idaho Center Amphitheatre on Tuesday August 5th.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our studio is at least 100 degrees! The air conditioner does not work and my palms are sweating as I write this.

Sad news in case you didn't hear. 10 year old Devon Neddleton who was missing in Gem County has been found dead this morning. We feel just awful for the families involved.

Rhonda Walters and Michelle Massee are rock stars! They competed today for Sheryl Crow tickets by playing None of Your Damn Business. We asked them a series of personal questions. The first one to say 'None of Your Damn Business" was out and the other won the tickets.
1. What is your husbands full name and where does he work?
2.What is the one physical feature you hate about your husband?
3. Did you ever cheat on your husband? If so, with who? (One lady actually did and gave the guys name!)
4.What is your mother in laws name? Where does she live?
5. What do you hate about your mother in law?
6.How many sexual partners have you had? (One lady said 22)
7.What is the first and last name of your best friend here in Boise?
8. What physical feature does she need the most improvement on?
Michelle and Ronda would not back down so we gave them both tickets and they are both now qualified to see Sheryl Crow in NYC on the TODAY Show.

Find out tomorrow morning if Willie Waffle thinks Hellboy II is worth seeing.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It's only going to be 92 today! Get out and take a walk, even if just for 10 minutes. Enjoy the day!

Mike and Kate started talking about ways to save money. With gas prices going higher each day, small cuts can make all the difference. Thanks to our 12 listeners this is the list we came up with.
1. Turn off your computer when not using it.
2. Don't charge your cellphone all night. Charge it until it's full then take it off the charger and unplug the charger from the wall.
3. Keep up car maintenance. One listener added 4 miles to the gallon just by changing her oil filter and getting a fuel injection flush.
4. Do all your errands in one day.
5. Don't use the airconditioner in your car (Yeah right!)
6. Buy turkey instead of beef
7. Bring your lunch to work
8. Bring coffee from home
9. Ditch juice boxes for the kids. Make a pitcher of tea or kool-aid
10. Cook an extra dinner on the weekends. Put it in the freezer for the week.
11. Use the expensive gas. It last longer
12. Shop together with friends at Costco and then split the bulk.

On OPP-It was split down the middle. Half said a guy should not take his ex girlfriend with him when shopping for an engagement ring for his current girlfriend and the other half said the current girlfriend should just get over it.

Mike said that it's a known fact that men should never buy a woman a pear shaped engagement ring. Photobucket
Neither Kate nor Tommy had ever heard that. He said he heard it on Sex and the City and that all women know this. Apparently Kate is not a woman.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, July 7, 2008

A full work week!

Last week so great with a short work week! Now we have 5 long days ahead of us!

Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend! Did you get stuck on Hwy 21 yesterday? What a mess!
We all had a great weekend!

Mike went and watched the Caldwell Fireworks show!
He actually got 2 shows. The fireworks display and then the show in the grass when the fireworks landed! Good job to the Caldwell Fire Department. They kept everything from getting out of control.

Kate went camping outside Stanley. She claims that the stretch between Galena Summit and Stanley is the most beautiful scenery she has ever seen. They did a 10 mile hike into Hell Roaring Lake in the Sawtooths.
See, this is why we think Kate is such a freak. She gets a day off and thinks it would be fun to go on a 10 mile hike! On Sunday she and some friends floated the South Fork of the Payette. Still lots of big water!

Tommy and his wife finally got rid of the in-laws, God Bless Em! They stayed for 5 weeks! He and his wife went to the Parma Drive In and watched Kung Fu Panda and Cronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspain. And then he got a firework show there too! Apparently it was bring your fireworks to the drive in night!

Tomorrow Mix 106 Pet Psychic Denise Zak will be on the show at 8:40.
If you dog ran away over the weekend, she can help. If you have other animals, she can communicate with them too!
More chances to win Sheryl Crow tickets all week long!

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


One more day to go until the long holiday weekend!

Mike and Tommy are cheaters! We always knew Mike was, but Tommy!! We played Catch Phrase today with the Wheel of Pain. If Mike, Kate or Tommy couldn't get their caller to guess the catch phrase then they have to spin the wheel and get fireworks thrown at them.
Mike and Tommy both had winners today. That is a first! We have never had winners with Catch Phrase. Kate lost. But found out that Mike and Tommy only gave her 10 seconds on the clock instead of 20 like they got. She couldn't get her caller to guess "Mary and Joseph," probably because her clue was, "they are in the bible." And then she went double or nothing with Anti-Virus. She was so flustered by this point that she didn't even know where to start. And with only 10 seconds on the clock she lost. So Mike and Tommy threw fireworks at her. Her legs look like they are sunburned!

All the pictures are up on the Mix 106 photo page!

Friday is Flashback 4th of July! Send us an e-mail at and tell us what 80's songs you want to hear on Friday!

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, June 30, 2008

Good Monday to You!

First, Congratulations to Mike Marchbanks! He won the Mix 106 $25,000 Makeover!

Thanks to everyone who came on the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate rafting trip! It was amazing! Huge Water and tons of fun! The pictures should be up tomorrow on our picture page!A big thanks to Northwest Voyageurs! If you want to go on an outdoor adventure, they are the ones to call!

Mike and Kate played a REAL phone call this morning from the most arrogant man alive! It's shocking that this guy is still single. Apparently he got a woman's # at the bar and then was shocked when she wouldn't call him back. The moron left these voicemails for her and she of course turned around and put them all over the Internet! Check it out HERE.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally Friday!

The weekend is here! And it is going to be HOT!

Comedian Jen Kober was in the studio this morning. She is performing tonight and tomorrow night at 8PM at the Bulls Head Pub in Meridain. She was absolutely hilarious this morning! A new Mike and Kate favorite! She has a new movie coming out September 9th called Hecklers! Check out her website at Make a reservation to see her show at the Bulls Head Pub at 855-5855.

Good Luck to all our qualifiers for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makover! One key is a guaranteed winner! Some will win the makeover! If you did not get qualified today you can still get a key tomorrow on site at the Sean Whitehead Custom Home in Cedar Crossing at Karcher Rd and Florida in Caldwell tomorrow at 2PM. Good Luck!

Thanks to everyone that signed up for the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate trip this weekend! And congratulations to all our winners! It's going to be a crazy weekend! Thanks to Northwest Voyaguers, Spirit Distributing/Crown Imports, and Heavenly Ham! Listen in Monday morning for all the stories!

Have a great weekend and don't forget the sunscreen!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wild Wednesday!

This week is flying by! Yippie! That means we are two days away from the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate trip and the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover!

Mike was broadcasting from Roaring Springs yesterday and saw 10-12 year old girls with belly button rings and fake tramp stamp tattoos! Are you kidding me?? Why can't you make your child wait until she is 18 like Kate McGwire's mom did? The more shocking part came when people starting calling saying that they let their daughter get her belly button pierced. When Mike and Kate asked how they got around the Idaho law that says you have to be 18, they said they drove her to Oregon. NICE!

Kate was mowing her lawn last night when her dog, Gunner, started going nuts! He was peaking through a whole in the fence and barking. Kate pulled his head away from the fence and peaked in. That is when she saw it.... her neighbor was in his backyard doing his yard work and wearing a Halloween costume!
Why would you do that? Kate has seen a lot of strange things on Skid Row, but this was the strangest! Mike and Tommy has named him LAWN PERSON! The newest Superhero!

One of Kate's friends (no not Sally) was driving to work yesterday when she was hit by a Department of Corrections Van. The driver was taking the inmates to their work release jobs. Kate hit an off duty cop once when she was in High School. We still think the Dept of Corrections van is worse. Can you top that??

Congratulations to Jessica Mitchell! She won a trip for 2 On The Salmon with Mike and Kate and Northwest Voyageurs this weekend! Tonight at the Bulls Head Pub is the final giveaway! See you tonight starting at 6!

Have a great day! Good Luck getting qualified for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover!

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, June 16, 2008

Beautiful Day!!

Monday doesn't seem so bad when it's this nice outside! If anything take a ten minute break and go outside!

Sawtooth Relay 2008!
Kate McGwire was part of the Leggy Blondes team (yes you are correct, that name doesn't fit Kate at all) that ran the Sawtooth Relay this past weekend! It started in Stanley and ended in Ketchum! 63 miles! There were 6 girls on the team and each ran 2 legs. Check out the pictures HERE.

Tommy has his 20 year high school reunion this past weekend. All 16 students camped outside Glenn's Ferry. Tommy learned that he is definitely not as young as he used to be. And staying up until 4AM two nights in a row is a killer! He isn't even mentally here today! He thought everyone would appreciate the near beer that he brought. You know take everyone back to the high school days. Not so much. Now that they could afford the good stuff, the skunky beer was out!

Mike celebrated Father's Day with all his 20 children! (Just kidding he only has 7). Each kid got him food. How funny is that! They really know dad!

Enjoy what is left of your Monday and we will talk with you tomorrow morning starting at 5:30!

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I think summer might be around the corner! YEA!

Gas prices are ridiculous! We all know that. So what can we do about it? Here are a few websites that Mike and Kate found that give ideas on how to conserve your gas.


If you missed Alice the staff psychic today, you can get a personal reading by calling 454-3555. She is on the show every Thursday at 8:40-9AM

Kate McGwire will be broadcasting live today at International Furniture on 37th street of Chinden. She will be qualifying 5 people for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover! She will be there from 4-6.

Crazy, jam packed show tomorrow! Don't miss a minute of it! 5:30-10!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Turbulant Tuesday

Seriously, the east coast is having a heat wave and the Blues in Oregon are getting snow! What is up with this weather??

We learned on OPP today that if your boss is discriminating against you based on your gender, you have legal rights. We also learned that if you are not doing the same job as another employee in your company then you might not have an argument. Check with your HR person. The lady who wrote in today's OPP e-mail works for a local plumbing company and the women in her office are treated differently than the men. She has complained to her boss about this and he told her that if she a certain male body part then maybe she would get those perks. One of the 13 Mix 106 listeners called in to say that she needs to go to the Labor Department and they will be able to point her in the right direction.

They just get worse everyday! The lowest Mike and Kate heard of today was the Fred Meyer in Meridian. It's $3.92. With the card its $3.89.
Kate made a rule though. She said it is so depressing to talk about how bad it is each day. Yet, it is their job to provide you with the information you need. So Kate said that after they are done bitching about gas prices, they need to mention one good thing about the Treasure Valley. Today's high note was that no one has to water their lawn with all the rain!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Again???

Gas prices are so ridiculous! So Kate rode her bike to work today. She only encoutered two scary homeless guys in the dark at VMP! Safe!

The Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover got started today! Photobucket
Nikki Vandermeer was the first qualifier. Listen in at 7:20 each day for the new item. Then recite it back to Mike and Kate and the previous items on the list, in order and verbatum. If you can do that, you will be one the of thhe 106 qualifiers to win the $25,000 in the house at Cedar Crossing! The items will be listed on our website starting this afternoon.

Does Dad need a day off? Sign him up for the Mix 106 Dad's Day off contest! If he is the grand prize winner, 4 Mix 106 interns will show up and do dad's chores that day.
Painting, yard work, cleaning...etc.Photobucket
Sign him up HERE

Sing your way onto the Salmon River with Mike and Kate! You could win a trip for 2 On The Salmon with Mike and Kate and Northwest Voyaguers!! All you need to do is send Mike and Kate an e-mail at Tell them why you would be fun to have on this anual trip. Keep it short, no books. Then if you are choosen as one of the 5 qualifiers you will have to sing a song live on the radio! If the judges think you are the best singer, you will win the trip for 2!

Too Stupid to Live winner for today....Kate McGwire. The damn near impossible question was this... What were camel hair brushes originally made of? The answer: Squirrel hair. Kate said that made no sense because where camels roam freely there are no squirrels. Mike and Tommy couldn't stop laughing at the thought of a free range camel!

Tomorrow pet psychic Denise Zak will be on the show! Find out what is going on with little fido with Denise at 8:40.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Friday, June 6, 2008


Yea!! Happy Days are hear again! The Sun is shining right now and the weekend is soooo close!

What are you spending your stimulus check on? There is a new website devoted to finding out how Americans are spending their stimulus checks.
One 28 year old man from Illinois bought a life sized set of Star Wars Stormtrooper armor.
A 29 year old man from St. Louis blew his entire check on whiskey!!
Check it out for yourself..... www.HOWISPENTMYSTIMULUS.COM

A teacher in Jackson Mississippi gave her 6th grade students a survey. Instead of regular questions like who is the class clown, who is most likely to succeed. She asked,
1.Who is most likely to get pregnant before high school graduation?
2. Who is most likely to get AIDS?
3. Who is most likely to do drugs?

The father of the girl who was voted most likely to get pregnant before graduation is calling for the teacher to be fired. Kate brought up a good point. Maybe the teacher is helping out the parents. What is this 12 year old girl doing to get voted most likely to get pregnant? Maybe this a warning sign to the parents and they can help their daughter before it's too late! Maybe the kid who is voted most likely to do drugs is already doing drugs??

One guy in England is addicted to Mars bars. He has eaten nothing by mars bars for 17 years! He says he eats over 4000 a year and 12 a day! WHY??? And how fat is he? Apparently though, Mars bars in England are different from the ones here in the US. One of the 12 Mix 106 listeners called and said that they are must better over there. They taste like heaven she said!

CLAUDE STUART was a great guest this morning! He is performing at the Bulls Head Pub all weekend long. Mike and Kate thinks he looks like beeker from the Muppet's! Who cares what he looks like, he has tons of energy and is hilarious! Get free tickets to the show my sending him a message on myspace........

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Windy Wednesday

Hello! Halfway to the weekend! It goes a lot faster if you come to Working Women's Wednesday at the Bulls Head Pub!

Who is the mystery man that sent Kate flowers?Photobucket We all came in this morning to find that someone had sent Kate flowers. She said she met the guy a few weeks ago, they have not gone a date and he sent her flowers. That is all she would reveal. Mike and Tommy are now acting like detectives trying to find out who this mystery man is!

Kate found something on the golf course last night. No it was not her panties. She found her golf swing. After 3 painful lessons for her golf instructor, she finally got it and make contact with the ball! Photobucket

Mike's oldest son graduated from high school last night! Congratulations Jordan! The commencement speaker quoted Larry the Cable Guy instead of someone like Issac Newton he quotes Larry the Cable Guy, Git 'Er Done!

PhotobucketChris Farley joined the show today, he really had nothing better to do. Mike and Kate had him making prank calls to listeners. Our receptionist Sharon will never be the same, but we did find out she watches spanktravision!

Alice the staff psychic will be on the show tomorrow at 8:40. Don't ask about gas prices, we can tell you that, yes, the are going to go up even higher!

See you tonight at the Bulls Head Pub!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106