Monday, June 30, 2008

Good Monday to You!

First, Congratulations to Mike Marchbanks! He won the Mix 106 $25,000 Makeover!

Thanks to everyone who came on the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate rafting trip! It was amazing! Huge Water and tons of fun! The pictures should be up tomorrow on our picture page!A big thanks to Northwest Voyageurs! If you want to go on an outdoor adventure, they are the ones to call!

Mike and Kate played a REAL phone call this morning from the most arrogant man alive! It's shocking that this guy is still single. Apparently he got a woman's # at the bar and then was shocked when she wouldn't call him back. The moron left these voicemails for her and she of course turned around and put them all over the Internet! Check it out HERE.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally Friday!

The weekend is here! And it is going to be HOT!

Comedian Jen Kober was in the studio this morning. She is performing tonight and tomorrow night at 8PM at the Bulls Head Pub in Meridain. She was absolutely hilarious this morning! A new Mike and Kate favorite! She has a new movie coming out September 9th called Hecklers! Check out her website at Make a reservation to see her show at the Bulls Head Pub at 855-5855.

Good Luck to all our qualifiers for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makover! One key is a guaranteed winner! Some will win the makeover! If you did not get qualified today you can still get a key tomorrow on site at the Sean Whitehead Custom Home in Cedar Crossing at Karcher Rd and Florida in Caldwell tomorrow at 2PM. Good Luck!

Thanks to everyone that signed up for the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate trip this weekend! And congratulations to all our winners! It's going to be a crazy weekend! Thanks to Northwest Voyaguers, Spirit Distributing/Crown Imports, and Heavenly Ham! Listen in Monday morning for all the stories!

Have a great weekend and don't forget the sunscreen!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wild Wednesday!

This week is flying by! Yippie! That means we are two days away from the On The Salmon with Mike and Kate trip and the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover!

Mike was broadcasting from Roaring Springs yesterday and saw 10-12 year old girls with belly button rings and fake tramp stamp tattoos! Are you kidding me?? Why can't you make your child wait until she is 18 like Kate McGwire's mom did? The more shocking part came when people starting calling saying that they let their daughter get her belly button pierced. When Mike and Kate asked how they got around the Idaho law that says you have to be 18, they said they drove her to Oregon. NICE!

Kate was mowing her lawn last night when her dog, Gunner, started going nuts! He was peaking through a whole in the fence and barking. Kate pulled his head away from the fence and peaked in. That is when she saw it.... her neighbor was in his backyard doing his yard work and wearing a Halloween costume!
Why would you do that? Kate has seen a lot of strange things on Skid Row, but this was the strangest! Mike and Tommy has named him LAWN PERSON! The newest Superhero!

One of Kate's friends (no not Sally) was driving to work yesterday when she was hit by a Department of Corrections Van. The driver was taking the inmates to their work release jobs. Kate hit an off duty cop once when she was in High School. We still think the Dept of Corrections van is worse. Can you top that??

Congratulations to Jessica Mitchell! She won a trip for 2 On The Salmon with Mike and Kate and Northwest Voyageurs this weekend! Tonight at the Bulls Head Pub is the final giveaway! See you tonight starting at 6!

Have a great day! Good Luck getting qualified for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover!

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, June 16, 2008

Beautiful Day!!

Monday doesn't seem so bad when it's this nice outside! If anything take a ten minute break and go outside!

Sawtooth Relay 2008!
Kate McGwire was part of the Leggy Blondes team (yes you are correct, that name doesn't fit Kate at all) that ran the Sawtooth Relay this past weekend! It started in Stanley and ended in Ketchum! 63 miles! There were 6 girls on the team and each ran 2 legs. Check out the pictures HERE.

Tommy has his 20 year high school reunion this past weekend. All 16 students camped outside Glenn's Ferry. Tommy learned that he is definitely not as young as he used to be. And staying up until 4AM two nights in a row is a killer! He isn't even mentally here today! He thought everyone would appreciate the near beer that he brought. You know take everyone back to the high school days. Not so much. Now that they could afford the good stuff, the skunky beer was out!

Mike celebrated Father's Day with all his 20 children! (Just kidding he only has 7). Each kid got him food. How funny is that! They really know dad!

Enjoy what is left of your Monday and we will talk with you tomorrow morning starting at 5:30!

Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I think summer might be around the corner! YEA!

Gas prices are ridiculous! We all know that. So what can we do about it? Here are a few websites that Mike and Kate found that give ideas on how to conserve your gas.


If you missed Alice the staff psychic today, you can get a personal reading by calling 454-3555. She is on the show every Thursday at 8:40-9AM

Kate McGwire will be broadcasting live today at International Furniture on 37th street of Chinden. She will be qualifying 5 people for the Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover! She will be there from 4-6.

Crazy, jam packed show tomorrow! Don't miss a minute of it! 5:30-10!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Turbulant Tuesday

Seriously, the east coast is having a heat wave and the Blues in Oregon are getting snow! What is up with this weather??

We learned on OPP today that if your boss is discriminating against you based on your gender, you have legal rights. We also learned that if you are not doing the same job as another employee in your company then you might not have an argument. Check with your HR person. The lady who wrote in today's OPP e-mail works for a local plumbing company and the women in her office are treated differently than the men. She has complained to her boss about this and he told her that if she a certain male body part then maybe she would get those perks. One of the 13 Mix 106 listeners called in to say that she needs to go to the Labor Department and they will be able to point her in the right direction.

They just get worse everyday! The lowest Mike and Kate heard of today was the Fred Meyer in Meridian. It's $3.92. With the card its $3.89.
Kate made a rule though. She said it is so depressing to talk about how bad it is each day. Yet, it is their job to provide you with the information you need. So Kate said that after they are done bitching about gas prices, they need to mention one good thing about the Treasure Valley. Today's high note was that no one has to water their lawn with all the rain!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Again???

Gas prices are so ridiculous! So Kate rode her bike to work today. She only encoutered two scary homeless guys in the dark at VMP! Safe!

The Mix 106 $25,000 Home Makeover got started today! Photobucket
Nikki Vandermeer was the first qualifier. Listen in at 7:20 each day for the new item. Then recite it back to Mike and Kate and the previous items on the list, in order and verbatum. If you can do that, you will be one the of thhe 106 qualifiers to win the $25,000 in the house at Cedar Crossing! The items will be listed on our website starting this afternoon.

Does Dad need a day off? Sign him up for the Mix 106 Dad's Day off contest! If he is the grand prize winner, 4 Mix 106 interns will show up and do dad's chores that day.
Painting, yard work, cleaning...etc.Photobucket
Sign him up HERE

Sing your way onto the Salmon River with Mike and Kate! You could win a trip for 2 On The Salmon with Mike and Kate and Northwest Voyaguers!! All you need to do is send Mike and Kate an e-mail at Tell them why you would be fun to have on this anual trip. Keep it short, no books. Then if you are choosen as one of the 5 qualifiers you will have to sing a song live on the radio! If the judges think you are the best singer, you will win the trip for 2!

Too Stupid to Live winner for today....Kate McGwire. The damn near impossible question was this... What were camel hair brushes originally made of? The answer: Squirrel hair. Kate said that made no sense because where camels roam freely there are no squirrels. Mike and Tommy couldn't stop laughing at the thought of a free range camel!

Tomorrow pet psychic Denise Zak will be on the show! Find out what is going on with little fido with Denise at 8:40.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Friday, June 6, 2008


Yea!! Happy Days are hear again! The Sun is shining right now and the weekend is soooo close!

What are you spending your stimulus check on? There is a new website devoted to finding out how Americans are spending their stimulus checks.
One 28 year old man from Illinois bought a life sized set of Star Wars Stormtrooper armor.
A 29 year old man from St. Louis blew his entire check on whiskey!!
Check it out for yourself..... www.HOWISPENTMYSTIMULUS.COM

A teacher in Jackson Mississippi gave her 6th grade students a survey. Instead of regular questions like who is the class clown, who is most likely to succeed. She asked,
1.Who is most likely to get pregnant before high school graduation?
2. Who is most likely to get AIDS?
3. Who is most likely to do drugs?

The father of the girl who was voted most likely to get pregnant before graduation is calling for the teacher to be fired. Kate brought up a good point. Maybe the teacher is helping out the parents. What is this 12 year old girl doing to get voted most likely to get pregnant? Maybe this a warning sign to the parents and they can help their daughter before it's too late! Maybe the kid who is voted most likely to do drugs is already doing drugs??

One guy in England is addicted to Mars bars. He has eaten nothing by mars bars for 17 years! He says he eats over 4000 a year and 12 a day! WHY??? And how fat is he? Apparently though, Mars bars in England are different from the ones here in the US. One of the 12 Mix 106 listeners called and said that they are must better over there. They taste like heaven she said!

CLAUDE STUART was a great guest this morning! He is performing at the Bulls Head Pub all weekend long. Mike and Kate thinks he looks like beeker from the Muppet's! Who cares what he looks like, he has tons of energy and is hilarious! Get free tickets to the show my sending him a message on myspace........

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Windy Wednesday

Hello! Halfway to the weekend! It goes a lot faster if you come to Working Women's Wednesday at the Bulls Head Pub!

Who is the mystery man that sent Kate flowers?Photobucket We all came in this morning to find that someone had sent Kate flowers. She said she met the guy a few weeks ago, they have not gone a date and he sent her flowers. That is all she would reveal. Mike and Tommy are now acting like detectives trying to find out who this mystery man is!

Kate found something on the golf course last night. No it was not her panties. She found her golf swing. After 3 painful lessons for her golf instructor, she finally got it and make contact with the ball! Photobucket

Mike's oldest son graduated from high school last night! Congratulations Jordan! The commencement speaker quoted Larry the Cable Guy instead of someone like Issac Newton he quotes Larry the Cable Guy, Git 'Er Done!

PhotobucketChris Farley joined the show today, he really had nothing better to do. Mike and Kate had him making prank calls to listeners. Our receptionist Sharon will never be the same, but we did find out she watches spanktravision!

Alice the staff psychic will be on the show tomorrow at 8:40. Don't ask about gas prices, we can tell you that, yes, the are going to go up even higher!

See you tonight at the Bulls Head Pub!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rainy Tuesday

Rain Rain Go Away!

Sex and the City is the top movie in all the land! Someone in the world actually thinks Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse and they have created an entire website to it!
What do you think??

A Florida teacher of 36 years said goodbye to her class for the last time with plans of retirement. She colopsed outside the school and died. AWFUL! Can you name all your elementary school teachers? Kate could and so could Tommy. Yet Kate can't remember her first kiss. Sad!

The Scripps National Spelling Bee was last weekend. Congratulations to 13 year old Sameer Mishra!
He is this year's winners of the national spelling bee. Kate noted how she couldn't even spell his name let alone his winning word.....guerdon.
Kate wanted to know "why little Sally with pigtails and bubble gum never wins the spelling bee. It's always some home schooled kid that kicks everyone's butt!" Then Tommy pointed out that Sameer attends a public junior high in Indiana. Woops.

On OPP-It was determined that nothing good every happens after 2AM. Mikea and Kate got an e-mail from a woman whose husband has been staying out until 5AM. She followed him one night and caught him going to breakfast at 3AM with anothe woman. Her husband told her she was making a big deal out of nothing. She thought it was a big deal and wanted to know what the other 12 Mix 106 listeners thought. It was pretty simple...KICK HIM TO THE CURB!

Enjoy the rain! Tomorrow we will have Boise Burn tickets for you :)
Mike and Kate
Mix 106

Monday, June 2, 2008


What the heck happened to the weekend? It went by so fast!

Mike's oldest son graduates from Meridian Charter School tomorrow. But they threw the graduation party for him this past Saturday. What if he doesn't graduate tomorrow? Then that big, expensive party is for nothing! Mike is crossing his fingers and toes that the kid gets a diploma tomorrow night!

Kate gave her review this morning of the Sex and the City movie that opened on Friday and you would have thought that she personally peed in everyone's Cherrios! She admitted that she was the rare one in all this. She said women were crying and cheering and laughing. She said that the movie didn't fit the TV show. Big was different and it was just too optomistic. And then the hate mail started! Kate explained that was her opinion and that there was nothing wrong with people who liked it, she just didn't. Kate now needs a bodyguard just to leave our building!

Mike and Kate want to recognize those that help others. Those people who do those little things to help someone out. Change someone's flat tire, help someone with their groceries, cover the difference at the grocery store check stand if someone comes up short. These acts need to be recognized so that we all start treating each other better. Lets be nice to our fellow American. You never know when you may need the help. What goes around comes around. The only rule is that you cannot nominate yourself or someone in your family. Each week Mike and Kate will choose and everyday hero who gets a $75 Applebees gift certificate. Nominate an everyday hero at

Do you want to go on Mike and Kate's annual white water rafting trip? It's June 27-29 on the Salmon River out of Riggins! Mike and Kate announced this morning that they are giving away a trip for 2 for this amazing trip! Sign up HERE!

Enjoy your Monday!
Talk to you tomorrow!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106!