Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Poor Idaho Vandals! They just can't catch a break! First the football team looks ridiculous with the V on their butt and now people are complaining that the Cheerleaders outfits are showing a lot more than school spirit!
What do you think? As Mike said, obviously fans can't go to the Kibbie Dome to see a football gaem, they should at least get to see something.

One our 12 listeners wrote in today for Listener E-mails and wanted to know who the guy was in the Maverick Commercial. And if you can figure out what the message in the commercial is, let us know. What do deep sea divers, Ford Trucks and energy drinks have to do with each other?
Check it out for yourself

This is a new site where you can upload a current picture of yourself and then pick a year between 1950-1990 and it will transform you to look like a yearbook picture from that year.

BIGGEST Little MIX 106 FAN! We now have 13 1/2 listeners
Aleysa Garcia of Caldwell, we love you for listening to Mix 106!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma De La Rosa for sending us these pictures!

What will $700 Billion get you???
According to the NY Times....
All 305 million of us in the USA would get $2,295.00
You could by 31, 818,181 Toyota Priuses
Buy 350 Million cans of Red Bull
Buy 2.3 million Nintendo Wiis
Buy 3.5 million iphones
Buy 2.8 trillion packs of gum
and Educate 4 million doctors.
But instead lets all pay for a government bailout and hike out taxes! YEA!!!
Tomorrow Financial Guru Dave Petso will be on the show at 7:10. You can ask him how this is going to affect you and get some advice.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Could be Worse

For a Monday today isn't half bad! At least it's not pouring rain! Even though I am a huge Colordao State Fan (Go Ramies!) I have to admit that the BSU/Oregon game was a great game!

Thanks to all the women and supporters who braved the torrential down pour on Saturday morning and came out for the St. Luke's Women's Fitness Celebration!
Check out all the pictures HERE

Kate's Kritters
As you may have heard, I love animals. If I could adopt them all, I would! We are talking serious hording tendencies!! And with the economy the way it is, a lot of people are turning their pets over the animal shelters because they can't afford to feed them. So I am trying to get the word out about all the adorable kritters up for adoption at the Canyon County Animal Shelter. Each week we will feature a dog and a cat that you can adopt. Check out the page each week. Tell your friends and family about it! And even if you can't adopt, The Canyon County Animal Shelter needs lots of volunteers. Welcome to Kate's Kritters

Talk to you tomorrow!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You are so generous!

Thanks to everyone who donated money today! Mike and I were given 4 tickets to auction off this morning. A 13 year old boy here in the Treasure Valley was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma which is a very aggressive form of cancer. His only wish was to see the the BSU/Oregon Game this weekend. Unfortunately he is too sick to go to the game. So he asked us to auction off the tickets with 100% of the proceeds going to St. Lukes Children's Hospital School. So far this morning we have raised $1,810!! Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You! Chris' bid of $500 got him the tickets to the game, but our other 11 listeners all stepped up and donated $.

If you would still like to donate $$$:
Make your check out to St. Luke's Children's Hospital
Send it to:
Mix 106
827 E. Park Blvd Ste 201
Boise, Idaho 83712

The Women in Business and Leadership event at the Boise Center on the Grove was amazing! I had so much fun! Kathy Kustra gave me so great pointers before we went on stage to calm my nerves. I do think I talked a bit too much. I was mic hog! I just kept rambling and rambling. I was so moved and inspired by all the other women on the panel! Stephanie Worrell has a fabulous blog call . Check it out! Barbara Morgan was so great! She was so nice to explain to everyone how you go to the bathroom in space (diapers on the way up, then a bathroom in the shuttle that you have to strapped into to use). Kathy Kustra is so fun! She is the incoming president of the Idaho Humane Society. And I adore Carolyn Holly! Her parents came all the way from Portland to see her and I found out if she was not a news anchor she would be a dancer. Fabulous women!! Thank you to everyone who came out to the event.
Next up for the Women's Fitness Celebration is the Women's Show on Thursday and Friday at the Boise Center on the Grove.

Have a great day!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



I am so nervous for tonight! It's the kick off to the St. Luke's Women's Fitness Celebration! Tonight at the Boise Center on the Grove at 6PM is the Women in Business and Leadership Event! Idaho's News Channel 7's Carolyn Holly, Kathy Kustra, Stephanie Worrell, Teacher in Space Barbara Morgan and myself are all on the panel. It should be great night! Please come and support me. I am so nervous! How many times can I say that??? Tickets are still available at 381-2243.

Hopefully I will see you tonight!
Kate McGwire
Mix 106

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hello! Hope you are having a great day! Don't you just love the weather right now? Beautiful blue skies and 75! Perfect night to hang out with us at Working Women's Wednesdays and sit on the patio! See you at the Bulls Head Pub at Eagle and Fairview in Meridian.

When Kate was on her vacation in California she was reading the newspaper and found the worst obituary ever! It was very mean and basically the daughter had nothing nice to say about her dececed mother. We found a link to it on Check it out for yourself

Mike and Kate talked about the story out of Lexington, KY today of a woman who left her baby in a hot car while she went into shop. People saw the baby and went into the store to call 911. The employees inside told the people that they were not responsible for what happens in the parking lot. It was not their problem. NICE! Obviously these employees are not Mike and Kate Everyday Heros! Eventually 911 was called and the police got the baby out and arressted the mother. Get the full story here

If you want to see Kate's pictures from her California vacation check out our myspace page at

Photobucket Image Hosting
We are going to announce the next Kate University! Listen in at 7:20 for all the details.

Have a great day!
Mike and Kate
Mix 106